These photographs were all taken in May and June 2013 on a trip around Alaska


Cook Outlet, Anchorage

Oil rig in Cook Passage

Meandering river near Anchorage

Braided river bed, Anchorage

Float planes, Anchorage

Old tressle bridge from Cordova to Kennicot

Kennicot from the air

Kennicot mine 1

Kennicot mine 2

Old railway bogie at Kennicot

Kennicot glacier from the air

Mountains around Kennicot from the air

Aerial view of mountains and glaciers near Kennicot

Glacier from the air 2

'Pastel' sunset at Kennicott

Glacier from the air

Float plane on river at Fairbanks

Churcach Mountains, Copper River delta

Copper River delta

Matanuska glacier

Seracs on Matanuska glacier

St Elias Wrangle mountains at sunset

Mount McKinley, Denali National Park

Mount McKinley

Polychrome mountains, Denali

Railway bridge over Resurrection River

Alaska Railroad

Alaska pipeline

Chitina salmon fishing wheels

Salmon wheels

Salmon wheels 2

Salmon wheel fisherman and his dog

Bald Eagle 1

Bald Eagle 2

Bald Eagle 3

Bald Eagle 4

Male Ptarmigan

Sandhill Cranes, Anchorage


Beaver 2

Beaver swimming


Caribou 2

Caribou running


Moose 2

Mountain goats

Mountain goat with kid

Dall sheep

Dall sheep 2

Black bear

Brown bears


Humpback Whale tail

Sea otter

Glacier Kenai Peninsula

Glacier Kenai peninsula 2

Glacier meeting the sea Kenai Peninsular

Old pier buildings, Cordova

Kenai River gorge

Kenai River gorge 2

Old Russian chapel

Homer Spit

Sunset at Homer

Cooper Landing

Cordova harbour at twilight

Harbour Seward

Colourful canoes

1am sunset

Birch trunks